Medium length documentary. Spain/Cuba 2016

LAST SUMMER is a collaborative documentary codirected by Mariona Guiu and Lina Badenes, together with a group of adolescents from Nuevo Vedado. Over the course of several weeks the teenagers received training in audiovisual production with the objective that they each direct and shoot a short documentary based on a particular aspect of their social, cultural, economic or family environment.

Against the backdrop of the changes that Cuba is experiencing today, the teenagers portray their country’s situation by producing a collection of documentaries which, combined with the footage by the directors, create an unusual collaborative documentary in which the young people are not only the main characters but the creators.

Original version: Catalan, English and Spanish
Written and directed by: Mariona Guiu
Produced by: Suricata Stories
Executive producers: Ariadna Relea, Mariona Guiu
With the support of ICEC

Cinematography: Ariadna Relea, in color
Found footage: Salvador Guiu
Additional found footage: Elisenda Guiu, Mariona Guiu
Original music: Tolo Prats
Script Editing: Laia Manresa
Script mentors: Tomas Araragay, Inés Bortagaray
Teaser editing: Lupe Pérez